Shop till you drop…A couple of weeks ago we started a major house reoganisation. First we went to IKEA to get plastic crates and shelves for garage. Then we de-cluttered. Two weekends worth of de-cluttering. Thursday we have some furniture arriving from Adelaide (a piano and our older, nicer, sofas), some furniture moving on to new homes, and on the weekend we are moving the girls in to a room together!! So today Grace and I went to IKEA to aquire a few more bits a pieces. Just a few. And astonishingly enough they were all in stock. We were already getting some very amused looks when things piled up as high as you can see on the left. By the time we were done (see below) we had been taken under the wing of a staff member and an extra isle opened up to get us through the checkout. Who knew, IKEA can do customer service! And when the shopping was done Grace did indeed drop instantly off to sleep. I meant to get a photo of her sleeping in the car surrounded by all this stuff, but I got distracted and the moment passed me by… We have a scale diagram of how it’s all going to fit together, all we have to do now is make it happen! Oh, and then go back to IKEA to return the mistakes and collect the things we didn’t know we would need, and a few things we planned to leave for the second trip – knowing that there is always a second trip, often a third and a fourth too… |